Execute external preprocessors

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This function executes the external preprocessors that are needed to be executed either by the command line options or driven by the extensions.

The command line option preprocessors are executed as listed in the character array ppszArgPreprocessor. These preprocessors are checked to be run first.

If there is no preprocessors defined on the command line then the preprocessors defined in the config file for the extensions are executed. The input file name is also modified by the code. The input file name is modified so that it will contain the source code file name after the preprocessing.

The return value of the function is the error code. This is PREPROC_ERROR_SUCCESS if the preprocessing was successful. This value is zero. If the return value is positive this is one of the error codes defined in the file errcodes.def prefixed by PREPROC_.

int epreproc(ptConfigTree pCONF,
             char *pszInputFileName,
             char **pszOutputFileName,
             char **ppszArgPreprocessor,
             void *(*thismalloc)(unsigned int),
             void (*thisfree)(void *)

The first argument pCONF is the configuration data pointer which is passed to the configuration handling routines.

The second argument pszInputFileName is the pointer to the pointer to the input file name.

The third argument is an output variable. This will point to the output file name upon success or to NULL. If this variable is NULL then an error has occured or the file needed no preprocessing. The two cases can be separated based on the return value of the function. If the file needed preprocessing and the preprocessing was successfully executed then this variable will point to a ZCHAR string allocated via the function thismalloc. This is the responsibility of the caller to deallocate this memory space after use calling the function pointed by thisfree.

The fourth argument ppszArgPreprocessor is an array of preprocessors to be used on the input file. This array contains pointers that point to ZCHAR strings. The ZCHAR strings contain the symbolic names of the external preprocessors that are defined in the configuration file. The configuration file defines the actual executable for the preprocessor and the temporary directory where the preprocessed file is stored. The final element of this pointer array should be NULL. If the pointer ppszArgPreprocessor is NULL or the pointer array pointed by this contains only the terminating NULL pointer then the extensions of the file name are used to determine what preprocessors are to be applied. Preprocessors are applied from left to right order of the file extensions.

The arguments thismalloc and thisfree should point to malloc and free or to a similar functioning function pair. These functions will be used via the myalloc.c module and also to allocate the new pszOutputFileName string in case of success. This means that the caller should use the function pointed by thisfree to release the string pointed by pszOutputFileName after the function has returned.

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