1.12.4. match

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match checks if pszString matches the pattern pszPattern. pszPattern is a string containing joker characters. These are:

 * matches one or more any character
 # matches one or more digit
 $ matches one or more alphanumeric character
 @ matches one or more alpha character
   (space) matches one or more spaces
 ? matches a single character

~x matches x even if x is pattern matching character or tilde

x matches character x unless it is a joker character


The function returns zero if no error occures and returns an error code in case some of the memory buffer does not have enough space. (Either pszBuffer or ParameterArray)


pszPattern IN the pattern to match


cbPattern IN the number of characters in the pattern


pszString IN the string which is compared to the pattern


cbString IN the number of characters in the string


ParameterArray OUT is an uninitialized character pointer array. Upon return ParameterArray[i] points the string that matches the i-th joker character.


pcbParameterArray OUT is an uninititalized unsigned long array. Upon return pcbParameterArray[i] contains the length of the output parameter ParameterArray[i].


pszBuffer OUT should point to a buffer. The size of the buffer should be specified by cbBufferSize. A size equal

is a safe size. The actual strings matching the joker characters will get into this buffer zero terminated one after the other:


cArraySize IN number of elements in the array ParameterArray


cbBufferSize IN size of the buffer pointed by pszBuffer


fCase IN pattern matching is performed case sensitive if this value if TRUE.


iResult OUT TRUE if pszString matches the pattern pszPattern. FALSE otherwise.


pszPattern and pszString are NOT changed.

If the function returns non-zero (error code) none of the output variables can be reliably used.

int match_match(char *pszPattern,
                unsigned long cbPattern,
                char *pszString,
                unsigned long cbString,
                char **ParameterArray,
                unsigned long *pcbParameterArray,
                char *pszBuffer,
                int cArraySize,
                int cbBufferSize,
                int fCase,
                pMatchSets pThisMatchSets,
                int *iResult

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